Monday, November 7, 2011

Tumultuous Travels part 1

So I left for my trip home to witness the holy event of matrimony between my nephew and his darling with much trepidation in my heart. I left early on Monday morning while most of the household was still in dreamland; how my heart ached as I laid Veronika's warm little body in Alicia's arms and then walked out the door but I was excited too.

On my first flight out of Port Au Prince I had the privilege of being on the same flight as a couple from Germany who was flying home with their newly adopted son!! Tears came to my eyes as I watched tender, loving care flowing out of this mother and father to their tiny new son. I could see in his beautiful, wide, open eyes the question, "What is happening?" I watched and wondered as they boarded the tiny plane- I wondered what it would feel like to be taking your baby home and I dreamed of the day, my day! when Veronika and I will step on the airplane together for the first time! It was very special to me to witness this event. In a country where many of the little children are knocked around, sold for slavery, or abandoned on the streets it just seems so incredibly kind and good to see one rescued, loved, cared for...

Then as we sailed above huge, billows of gorgeous white clouds I looked out of my window and saw a big, brilliant, rainbow and I knew God was telling me, "Its going to be ok!!" So I relaxed!

After a brief stopover in Santo Domingo I was reboarding the tiny plane, going up the flimsy, narrow stairs when my foot caught on something and I heard a fatal ripping noise!! Looking down I was horrified to see the bottom tier of my best and prettiest skirt partially ripped off and dragging on the floor! Thankfully I was the first one and no one else saw what had happened... My mind turned several fast spins then I realized the only option really was to just go ahead and tear it off completely!! So I giggled quietly to myself as I scootched down in my seat and quickly tore it off and stuffed it in my sweater pocket where it safely stayed till I had the opportunity to stuff it into my carry-on! And I continued on my way with a much shorter and lighter skirt which was slightly uncomfortable as that is not my style at all to walk around in airports with a torn off skirt but there was no point in fretting over something that could not be helped so I just didn’t look.

My flights were booked tight, I had no time to pause for a bite to eat and since the airlines are too tight to serve pretzels I saturated myself with cold apple juice to keep my sugar levels up so I wouldn't pass out!

But, Oh joy when my flight arrived 30 min. early and then here came Amy with Cristopher, Micah and Marissa wriggling and giggling excitedly in the back seat of the car! All the way home while I munched on cheese, blessed cheese, the kinner kept me entertained with tales from school!! It was hilarious and somewhat shocking to realize again that they are growing up way too fast!

At Rachel's house there was warm supper waiting:

coconut, chicken stew with fresh fragrant cilantro,

salt baked potatoes with real sour cream, and baked garlic with real butter!

There was also cold milk, hot, spiced cider and cold cider and kamboucha to drink!!

And then of course there were the babies, rolly-polly and cute as can be:



Jax drinking his beloved kamboucha:

Marissa fell asleep on the living room floor:


And what a blessed sight this was:


And that was the evening of the first day! I looked back over it and thought that it was good!

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