Monday, November 7, 2011

To Eat a Salt Baked Potato

First you dig out a potato from underneath the mounds of white salt it was hiding under:IMG_0624

Then take a knife and slash open the soft belly and lay it open wide. Cut several trenches through the mealy insides to make plenty of valleys for the good stuff.

Now reach for the baked garlic:


Take a big deep spoon and begin to spoon the butter and garlic over the mealy potato trenches. Watch as the liquid flows over the valleys and hills then soaks in. Sprinkle gently with salt.

Next snatch the full fat, sour cream and proceed to cover the entire potato- hills, valleys, butter and all with thick, rich, creamy, white goodness.

The final step is without question the most fun of all: take those cloves of roasted, caramely, garlics and arrange as many as you want over the top. One if you’re actually a to be pitied, garlic hater, four if you have an important meeting to attend the next day, and eight + if you believe a day without garlic is a day without sunshine!!


If you want to sit and admire it for awhile you can but its good to eat it while its hot and fresh. Just figure out how to get it to your mouth. To maximize the experience my advice would be to make sure there is a clove of that rich, garlic on top of each bite- like the proverbial cherry!!

1 comment: said...

Great post. Now I am running for the garlic and potatoes.