Saturday, August 4, 2012

Poor Porky!

As far as back as I can remember my family has always loved to butcher pigs!! It was such a fun time of bonding and making memories not to mention the incredible goodness that was produced! We didn’t try to figure out the fastest and most efficient way of doing it we just did it the most fun way in which to produce the best products. Of course the more love that’s added the better the end result! It was and still is one of the highlights of my life- butchering pigs!!

Last night when Shea told me he’s butchering today I knew I had to bring Veronika  and give her the first introduction to pig butchering! Needless to say she was pretty freaked out when she saw this:


But later on when porky was laying on the table in pieces she forgot to be freaked out. She even climbed up on the bench to watch Mommy cut sausage meat!



And later she watched the guys grind the meat into sausage!


Although this butchering was not at all like a Yoder pig butchering it was a very fun time and a good introduction for my little girl! I hope that in years to come she will love butchering and grow up having fond memories of making pan-haus in the big black kessle, making potatoes chips in the freshly rendered lard and nibbling on cracklings!!

Long live Porky!!

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