Thursday, July 26, 2012

A Daughter’s Love!

What is the strongest force in heaven and on earth?


On Monday afternoon the daughter of our gardener found a small girl walking along the road acting confused. Feeling sorry for the child she brought her into our compound to see if we could help her. Turns out this small girl clutching a black bag was running away!! Her family is from a mountain town called Soliet about an hour from here. Several days earlier this girl’s mother had sent her down the mountain to work for her aunt and now she was running away from her aunt’s house trying to find her way back home!

The first thing we thought was that the aunt was probably mistreating her so we questioned her out several times but she always said the same thing. The aunt was nice to her and the girl was helping her with housework but she just missed her mom so much she ran away when her aunt wasn’t at home. She thought she knew the way I guess but then realized she couldn’t find it on her own after all.

After we figured out approximately where she was from Matt and Alicia took her on the fourwheeler up the mountain until she recognized the place where her family lives. Someone who was down on the road getting water ran up to tell her family and her Papa came quickly to see if his daughter was alright. The sweet little girl was very happily reunited with her Papa and hand in hand they walked up the mountain toward their little house where she would again be with her beloved Mama, Papa, brothers and sisters!!

For some reason this precious little girl’s love for her mother really touched my heart- she was willing to take a big risk and face the world all alone; for what? For love!!

Lets pray that this little girl would grow up to know Jesus and the love that drove him to face this world alone to die so that she can live forever!! 

Here is a picture of Dadou and Kenslie with the little girl:


1 comment:

Unknown said...

This pulls the heart strings for all of us want our Mom.