Thursday, August 11, 2011

Solemn Babies

I was born with an affinity for babies! Everywhere I have ever been and in everything I’ve ever done what I have always noticed, observed, and loved the most was babies.

In my observations I have always been particularly fascinated with solemn babies. I look into their eyes and wonder who they really are inside; what are they like when they are alone with the person they love the most of any person in the whole world?!!

All the babies I had ever cared for where babies I had to share. My sisters were always a part of their lives as well as birthparents, social workers, therapists, friends and family. So even though we were very attached to each other they always were used to being with other people and weren’t that exclusive.

Now I have one of the most solemn babies I have ever met. Ever since Veronika came to me a year ago I am the only person who ever took care of her except for the two weeks I recently spent in the states. I am so fascinated with her and I finally figured out that just as I always suspected, solemn babies have a secret life they only show to the person they love more than any other person in the whole world!!

This is Veronika’s  trademark solemn stare!!


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