Sunday, March 10, 2013

Saturday Morning With Veronika

It had been a hard week and I was looking forward to sleeping in but at 6:00 I was awakened by a small girl standing beside my bed, “ Mama, look,” she made a little downward motion with her hand. I looked down in time to see yellow liquid running down her legs and forming a rather large puddle at her feet right beside my bed. I cleaned her up while trying to stay in a state that would allow me to take up sleep again right where I had left off. Meanwhile in the tiny cradle beside my bed a small boy was stirring. I quickly tucked Nika back in her bed and crashed on mine hoping the baby boy would not wake up. Two seconds later Nika was beside my bed, “ Mama, babys crying!” I soked her back into her bed and stumbled out to the kitchen to fix a bottle. I took the baby to bed with me thinking I could still keep sleeping while holding his bottle but once again the little girl appeared beside my bed with the request that no parent can refuse, “Mama, potty!” I just groaned and rolled out of bed, leaving the baby with a propped up bottle ( bad mommy, I know! ) While Nika teetered lengthily on the edge of the toilet seat I sat on the floor with my head leaning over on the tub I closed my eyes once more in hopes of a couple minutes of rest. After a long time I finally pulled her off and said she can finish later if she’s not done.

Back in the bedroom I eased back into bed so as not to disturb the baby but Nika was jealous about the baby being in bed with me so here she comes with her pillow and blanket!! Oh joy! I pulled her up on the bed then lay down once more and covered my head with my sheet in a desperate attempt to block out reality. But no such luck was in store for me! one second later the sheet gets pulled back and Nika peers underneath to let me know the baby is crying again! I slowly pull the baby toward me and comfort him in my arms meanwhile Nika has gotten off the bed with her blanket and spread it out in the closet. Now she gets her dolls and lines them all up facedown on the blanket, she gets up and finds the spanky spoon and proceeds to spank each one while solemnly telling them, “No, no, don’t do that!” (I’m  not sure what her dolls did as I thought it was her who was doing everything!)

I closed my eyes and opened them a couple minutes later to see her climbing up a wicker clothes shelf in our bedroom, grabbing a wad of balloons from the top shelf and stuffing them into her mouth! I knew she was headed my way and sure enough there she was with a handful of slimy balloons begging me to blow them up. I blew one up and said we’re saving the others for her birthday. I close my eyes one last time but open them again when I hear her chanting, “ Micheal Jordan, Micheal Jordan!” I thought I couldn’t be hearing right but I was! She was using her balloon as a basketball and chanting the name Micheal Jordan!! Not exactly what I had envisioned my daughter to be chanting at 2.5 years old!!

Beside me on the bed was  a not so fresh smelling baby boy still squirming and complaining… At that point I gave up the idea of sleeping in and decided to just get up. It was now 7:00 am on a saturday morning!! How exciting!!

Time behooves me to tell of the rest of the day and the activities of one small girl. I’m surprised I don’t have any grey hair yet.


Unknown said...

Your life is not your own.I have never been a mother but I got some of this experience the year I stayed with my Dad.

Story and Logic Media Group said...

Now you are a 'real' mother. Welcome to the club!!!

Sharon A. Lavy

Linda said...

I sure envy you all your natural mothering skills. Our baby is due in December and I earnestly wish I had some!Come teach me...?