Monday, March 3, 2014

A Kiss From God!

After some particularly busy and stressful months God sent  a little angel baby into my arms! Hobert’s mama died and his family needed  some time to take care of funeral things without the stress of a motherless baby.

One of the leading causes of malnutrition in infants is when a nursing baby loses its mother. It is so easy for babies to get overlooked during the rush of preparing for a funeral and possibly spending every available penny to pay for it. Few people realize the importance of balanced baby formula and just give the baby rice water or crackers dissolved in water… babies suffer when mommies die. So Hobert stayed in my arms while his family got things worked out and decided who could best care for him.

I guess I’m used to having sick babies not chubby, happy, ones! Hobert was nothing but pure joy!! He literally oozed with love and giggles. His expressions were priceless!

Everyone is excited to see the newest addition! You are welcomed with love, baby!

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I think he’s feeling the love!

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Uh oh, looks like someone is having a major mood swing!

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Brotherly love!

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A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

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Seriously, have you ever seen so many different expressions on one baby face?!!

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Little man, I see the fingerprints of God all over you!!

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Hobert stayed with me for almost two weeks! I thank God for the privilege of being so blessed by this little soul! I’ve never fallen so deeply in love in such a short time before this!! I was so heartbroken when he left but also thankful that he has family who loves him and wants to care for him!

Thank you for blessing my life, little man! God bless your life now and forever more! Amen!

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Saturday, March 1, 2014


Guest blogger: Amy

I came to help out at the children's home while one of the Nannys was at home for medical care. I arrived in the midst of a flurry of activity! Lovena had just arrived several days before and visitors and work teams were streaming through.  Of coarse, a time like that is the perfect time for a new baby!

Kenlove's grandma brought him to the clinic, feverish,  swollen with kwashiorkor and riddled with skin infections. Grandma wept as she described the miseries and neglect her little grandson had suffered because of his negligent mother. His mother had been a very wicked woman and never loved her tiny son. For some reason, she thought it unnecessary that her baby suck on a bottle or breastfeed instead of drinking from a cup, and according to Kenlove's grandma had insisted on only feeding him from a cup since birth.  The Mama died when Kenlove was around 12 months old, by then little Kenlove was in a very pitiful condition. That's when he came to live with his Grandma. 

   At first glance Kenlove looked like a chubby baby. But the chubbiness was actually fluid from the Kwashiorkor (a type of severe malnutrition) His organs were starting to shut down and his little hands, feet and ears had oozing cracks from the fluid. His skin was covered in scars, blisters and rashes. His ears were oozing with infection. 

       "Precious Baby, Jesus Loves You!!! 


        He will heal your owies……….

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…….And your sad little Heart.  Someday you will discover joy and laughter!”

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And so, began Kenlove’s journey to healing!

Warm milk with coconut oil for little tummies

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Praying……asking Jesus to heal kidney’s that had ceased to work…..

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It seemed Kenlove’s fevers, infections and pile of meds would never end. Day after day and night after night, fighting to get fluids into this wounded little soldier. But suddenly one morning he awoke and it literally seemed that  he had changed overnight!

From this:


to this:                                  

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Our little Sweet Potato discovered food! He loved to eat! He started to get fat…….


….and laugh, real deep tummy giggles!

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…..and because we can never have to much baby cuteness……here is some more  for your enjoyment! 


            Loving bathtime!!                                         “Can I be you friend?”                       


When the day came for Kenlove to go back home with his Poppa and Grandma, she wept again, but this time they were tears of joy. She raised her hands to heaven and thanked God for saving her grandson’s life! They couldn’t stop hugging and squeezing his little fat rolls!


“Good-bye sweet little Teddy Bear!” It was a tremendous blessing to care for you and be a witness of Jesus’ healing touch in your sick body and watch your heart unfold and heal.

  My prayer for you…..

As a plant grows and reaches for the light……

So May your soul always and forever reach for The Light of Jesus and prosper in it’s love.

I love you!

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