Sunday, November 27, 2011


Last Sun. us girls got to go to the Dominican Republic for the day. Our mission has a branch over there and there was a work team from Canada here that wanted to go over to visit so Matt said he’ll take care of the boys if us girls want to go along!!

Veronika and I ready to go!! :

DSCN5494Rachel, notice that Veronika is wearing that dress you gave her!

We went to church there and had lunch with our dear friends, Tom and Laurie, and the Bill Jones family. Then in the afternoon we went to a place called the aqua-ducts. It was just gorgeous!! I am a nature lover/tree hugger and that is something I miss dreadfully here in Haiti so this was especially special to  me! There are a bunch of little water falls and it was the first time Veronika ever saw anything like that! At first she wasn’t sure what to think about the crashing falls; she just stared:145147

But she sure enjoyed the quiet waters:


Here we are enjoying the aqua-ducts!



It was also Dadou’s last day with us. (She is currently transitioning back to her family. ) So we were all taking picture with her.


And here Sulley pretends to throw Dadou in the water!!



It was a very fun day!!

1 comment:

Julia Bauman said...

Girls day out!! Such fun! I 'm so happy and sad at the same time that Dadou gets to go home. Hope I can still see her when I get back!