Thursday, September 13, 2012

That’s Just How Family is!!

This morning I heard Dad on the phone with a repair man telling him that he’s out of town but the oven in his bakery/store has to get fixed so if he goes to fix it just go in the back door. “The back is always unlocked,”  I hear him say several times!! I just shake my head; not only did he tell the repair man and everyone that works with the repair man that he always keeps the back door of his store/bakery unlocked but he told them he’s out of town for a couple days!!


When I went shopping with a niece I hear her at the checkout telling the cashier that the pin number for the card is written on the back!! The card was  no doubt her father’s!!


As Mom and I sat on the couch trimming string beans she’s telling me about her day and how she feels so flattered how someone guessed  her to be a sister to John and Abe but she’s actually their Mother. I looked at her and said, “But Mom, you are their sister!” Her mouth dropped open as she realized her mistake!! After that we couldn’t stop laughing!!


Unknown said...

I live in Sarasota, where everything has to be kept under lock and key and I am just horrified that your Dad tells openly that the back door of the bakery is unlocked and the niece's pin # is written on the back side! I do get a good laugh that your Mom thought she was Abe & John's Mom.

Linda said...

You made me laugh out loud for real, more than anything else has done today. When your family tree is a nut tree, what can you do??

Anonymous said...

good lands...who but your dad,,or possibly Kore wud proclaim the open door policy....then if their wud be a robbery they just couldn t imagine anyone doing something like that to them!!!!!!!As for your mom...oh oh oh ,that was gud for will amuse me for many days to come...see how old is she,,,oh yes dear, dear....die kore annie