Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Thinking Spot

Recently Matt and Alicia, the houseparents, went to the states for three and a half weeks for a much needed rest. While they were gone Sulley and I were pretty much on our own with the six kids. Our one boy is very attached to them and was having a very hard time being sweet. One evening when I was at my wits end I lay on my bed and asked God what in the world I could do. This is what he told me to make:

A quiet spot where the boy could sit and think!


It worked very well and we had a sweet little boy! It was a way to just give him some needed space to reflect and think about how to he wanted to deal with things.


It worked so well we used it for the other boys too!


God has some really good parenting advice not only in the Bible but if you just ask…