Sunday, July 17, 2011

For The Love Of Diapers

I don’t think I’ve ever been this thankful for diapers... This morning at church I took Veronika  out on the front steps of the church to feed her a snack. The front steps are the nursery so I got to sit with some other moms who had brought their tots outside which is always fun!! What I was observing today was the diaper or not- diaper system that these moms use. If the babies are not yet trained to take care of their own potty needs they simply wear nothing on their bottoms except their clothes or they wear thin little panties so of course they are constantly sitting in puddles. The moms don’t let them play in it but other than that there is nothing said as the tot scoots around leaving a wet trail and streaks of mud behind them. After a while the mother will pull her tot up, strip his pants off and put others on only to start the whole process over again… Its really no wonder they just let them run bare-bottom at home!

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